Sunday, November 2, 2014

Halloween Reflections

Friday night was my neighborhood's Trick-or-Treat.  Understandably I wasn't really looking forward to it, as I think most in my position can relate to.  I didn't want to do it at all but Hubs said that he didn't want to be "that house" so we did.  So I did what any self-respecting infertile would do and poured a big glass of wine (into a tumbler with a lid so as not to draw attention to myself) and went outside with Hubs to pass out candy.  Mercifully it was cold and started raining an hour into it so we got to go inside early and veg out in front of the TV.  Overall I handled it very well, better than expected, and I don't think it was the wine.  I won't go as far as to say that I enjoyed it, but it wasn't bad.  I think it was a small victory.  What I didn't handle well was seeing all of the pictures of kids in costume on Facebook.  I don't know if this is because I know these people whereas I don't know the trick-or-treaters or what.  I can't help but compare hubs and I to some of the people.  We could have kids as old as or older than their kids.  We never will, and it hurts.  I just hope I handle Thanksgiving and Christmas as well as I did Halloween, but I'm not going to beat myself up if I take one or both pretty hard.

Now my only problem is a bunch of leftover candy, but my plan is to pawn that off on my students!  I'm confident that won't be hard!


  1. Halloween can be tough. But I've always enjoyed it and never shyed away from it, even when our loss & grief was fresh. I actually think dh finds it harder than I do. It makes me sad that I will never get to take my child trick or treating. But I do get a kick out of seeing the kids at my door, especially the very little ones who don't quite know what they're doing or why. ;)

    1. I think it was a good thing that we went out. I also think it was a pretty good thing that it started raining and ended early. We can't isolate ourselves from anything where children will be present forever so this was a good baby step. Hopefully by next Halloween we'll be back to our old selves and actually enjoy it!

  2. I've always enjoyed Halloween as well and I'm actually a little sad that we don't have the trick-or-treaters crowd at our doors at the place we live currently. Myself and my husband are huge holiday lovers, even without kids, so we always decorate our house and yard (when we had one :) ) and have our own fireworks for the Forth of July :).

    My dog also loves Halloween, and the kids are thrilled when they hear his bark and then get a few licks from a 'police dog' :) I used Halloween as a socializing opportunity when he was a pup, and later he still loved to come and greet the kids even though he didn't have to.

    I hope next Halloween will be better for you guys!

    1. Your dog sounds awesome! We go all out for Thanksgiving and Christmas but have never been big on Halloween or the Fourth for some reason. Usually we carve a pumpkin together but we didn't even get around to that this year. Our dog loves kids but is scared of costumes so he hangs out in his crate in the basement. He does love fireworks though so we always go out to watch those.
