Thursday, August 24, 2017

On my blogoversary!

On this day three years ago, I created this blog and pushed publish for the first time.  To say the time has flown by is an understatement!

I really don't have adequate words to write about how much this space has meant to me during this time.  It's been a space where I've shared the depths of grief, some of the hard things that have happened in life, and celebrated some milestones too.  The friends that I've made and the support I've received have, by far, been the best and most meaningful part of having this blog.  I know that I wouldn't be doing as well as I am today (and I am doing really well!) without all of the amazing women who have lifted me up throughout this process.

I acknowledge that my blogging has tapered way off in the last year, though, ironically, the number of visitors to my blog hasn't.  I could give excuses like lack of time, lack of mental energy, and being crazy busy with work, and those excuses are at least partially true, but I find myself in a weird space of knowing that I designed this space for one specific purpose and most of what is in my heart to write about is well outside of that scope.  Maybe one day I'll get brave enough to publish some of my more social justice oriented posts that I have taking up space in my drafts folder.  In the meantime, I'll continue to write about life without children, at least occasionally.

To those of you who have supported me for any or all of the last three years: Thank you from the bottom of my heart.  Y'all mean the world to me.

And to those of you who stumbled across this blog because of a Google search along the lines of "I can't have children, now what?": I'm glad you are here and I hope that in some small way, what I've written is comforting to you.  It's not going to be easy, but I can promise you that if you put the work into grieving, it will get less hard with time.


  1. I wish you all the best for the future.
    Happy Blogoversary!!

  2. Happy blogoversary!!! Wishing you many, many more.

  3. Happy blogoversary! :) & here's to many more.

  4. Happy Blogoversary! Your blog is so valuable and even though you don't post as much, you still get visitors because your posts (especially your earlier posts) capture a lot of the raw emotions so many of us could not put into words. Thanks for writing it.

  5. Happy blogoversary! I love your voice, and am so grateful to you for putting it out there.

  6. Congratulations on your third blogoversary! Thank you for sharing your journey - I think it makes a huge difference to many more people than you will ever know.

  7. Happy blogoversary! I love your blog. You have helped me a lot. Thank YOU so much!!!
